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Brett Thomas, a San Francisco-based software engineer, has written in a post on his blog that if you've watched porn online in 2015, "even in Incognito mode", then brace yourself because "you should expect that at some point your porn viewing history will be publicly released and attached to your name".旧金山软件工程师布雷特·托马斯在其个东说念主博客中写说念:2015年第四播,要是你在网上不雅看过色情片,“即便你看的技巧使用了隐身格局”,也要有所准备,因为不知说念什么技巧,你的色情片浏览纪录和你的大名将一说念被公之世人。
In 2014 hackers claimed to have leaked the password details of more than 13,000 Xbox and Playstation users, as well as users of online stores, and there have been regular instances of hackers posting internet users' bank details online. In these instances users have been easily identifiable, but browser footprints, global identifiers and user tracking mean that even supposedly anonymous internet users could potentially be identified.客岁,黑客们宣称,Xbox与Playstation超1.3万名用户的密码遭其线路,一同被线路的还有网上商城的用户信息。经常有黑客在网上公布网民的银行账户信息。这类情况下,用户身份很容易辨别。不外,浏览器行踪、众人标志符和用户追踪意味着,网上不着名用户的个东说念主信息也能被套出来。
In August last year purportedly naked photographs of more than 100 celebrities were leaked online by a hacker onto the website 4chan. Mr Thomas, a Harvard graduate, argues that "regular people" could be next. "I think the next big internet privacy crisis could expose the private and potentially embarrassing personal data of regular people to their neighbors," he writes. He even suggests how it could work - by matching up an internet user identifiers with the logs from an adult website the user has visited, it would be possible to infer "beyond plausible deniability" what films the user has been watching.客岁8月,100多位名东说念主的裸照被别称黑客线路到了4chan网站上。毕业于哈佛大学的托马斯先生示意,平素东说念主或将成为黑客的下一个倡导。他写说念:“我觉得下一次较大的集中隐秘危境将导致平素东说念主的隐秘和令东说念主无语的个东说念主数据被显现给邻里。”他致使还设思了这一危境是怎样酿成的——通过将集中用户标志符与一个该用户曾观看过的成东说念主站日记进行比对,即便该用户会进行看似合理的否定,也能运筹帷幄出该用户看了哪些色情片。
Vocabulary incognito: 瞒哄果然身份的 purportedly: 据称 log: 日记plausible: 看似合理的
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